Chapter 7


"You can't change the rule, sir." I am in a meeting with the marketing team and the manager is too bold today to argue with me, when I told him he has to go over his strategy because I don't like it, he said the team has gone over it twice and they feel it's the best, it's my company I know what's best for it, and no one argues with me, I am all about presenting opinions but if I don't like it I don't sugarcoat stuff, I pay them it's not the other way around, and now he's going to loose his job for not listening to me like a good employee and not doing his work, I don't care what it will do to employee morale, "Sir it's stated in my contract that I have to work here for two more years, so you cannot change the company policy just like that." Mr Sharma says, seems like he still isn't getting the memo.

"Too bad. I just did Mr sharma, you're fired. Ms. Iyer, you will be the incharge of this team and I need a new and updated report by the end of the week." I see the door to my office open and Aditi pushing Shivani inside, and I end the meeting before Mr. Sharma could argue further, all my attention is on my fiance now.

She looks absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes wandering around the room, as if she senses that I am looking at her she meets my eyes and smile softly and shyly and says in a very low voice, "Hi." wow she's definitely cute, I can say that much. I get up from my chair and walk ahead leaning on the table, "come here." I say in an authoritative voice. She looks like a deer caught in headlights but still she doesn't disobey me and like a good girl walks and stops right in front of me.

"I hate it that you don't look into my eyes Shivani." My voice sounds hoarse.
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up at me. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. My eyes narrowed, and jaw clenched, I hate it that she apologize too much. "Don't be sorry, Shivani. Just look at me. Really look at me."

My eyes searched her face, taking in the her soft features and shy gaze. I wanted to see right through her, I want to know what's going on deep within her. "I'm looking," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

My gaze softened, a little, the last thing I want is to scare her away. I gave it a lot of thought, I can't keep running away from her just because of some dumb woman, she doesn't deserve the punishment of things that she didn't even do, so I am going to be nice with her, she's my wife after all, well will be and if she betrays me she will see the worst of me, not because she hurt me but with the interaction between my family and her, she will also hurt them and I don't like that, but if that doesn't happen, she is my family, "Good," I said, my voice low and husky. "I like that." I do like her light brown eyes, and they tell me things that she can't say, maybe she doesn't know it but her eyes are very expressive.

"Now my dear fiance," I say running my knuckles along her cheekbone, since the moment I saw her today I had this desire to touch her and I tried, I am trying to control but I definitely failed, she shudders with my touch and I like the effect just my touch has on her, "I recall giving you a black card yesterday, am I correct?" I ask in a low threatening voice. She nodded her eyes wide with a mix of fear and curiosity.

I gazed at Shivani, my eyes burning with intensity, "then why is my bank balance same as yesterday?"
"Um.. I didn't use your card." She says carefully.
"And why so when I specifically mentioned you buy whatever you want from my card?" I ask gripping her chin lightly.

"Vo.. Maa didn't let me pay." She says.
"Maa?" I question, as far as I know her mother wasn't going to accompany them.
I can see panic rise in her eyes and she immediately avert eyes from me, "um.. I am sorry, your mother told me to call her maa, if you don't like it, I can-" I put a finger on her lips, feeling how soft and plump they are.

"Stop it, you will do what you like, you don't need my permission." I make it clear to her. I like hearing her call my mother maa. Now that they're at this level, I know maa's always going to side with her no matter what, not that I have any problem or I am complaining. I want them to get along.

"What did you buy?" I ask.
"My wedding dress." She said and swallowed hard.
"Can I see it?" I couldn't help but gaze at her, my mind racing with the thought of seeing her in that dress. She was curvy, with a figure that would stop traffic.
She looks at me with wide eyes and shakes her head vigorously, "no, not at all."

I raised an eyebrow in question, did this timid, shy shivani she has always appeared to be, said no to me.
I was amused by her reaction, she seemed so scared of the idea that I would see the dress when I can probably look at her in any dress I want, especially a wedding dress since we were going to get married soon.

I laugh at her reaction.
"You do realize that I will be seeing you in it on our wedding day, right? Isn't that why you picked the dress out in the first place?"
She nodded this time and said, "it's just that the groom can't see the bride in her wedding dress before marriage."

I look at her, trying to conceal my irritation at her response. I can't believe she's denying me the opportunity to see her in a dress that she bought with my money. "Who made up this rule about the groom not being allowed to see the bride's dress before the wedding day?" I ask, my frustration evident in my tone. "And why are you listening to maa so much? You're my fiance now, and I want to see the dress."

Shivani's eyes widened in alarm as she nervously fidgeted with her hands. Her face paled, and her lips trembled, as if she was struggling to hold back tears. "It's.. a tradition, it's.. considered bad luck if,.. if the groom sees the bride in the wedding dress before the wedding. I am so sorry."

"Hey, it's okay, nothing to be nervous about. You don't have to be scared of me." I look at her panicky face and it bums me that she is afraid of me, I don't want that at all, "look shivani, except for my family and friends by that I mean two friends, I have never had someone in my personal space, especially not this close, so if I ever behave rudely with you it's not because of you, it's my habit. Don't say anything at that moment but later do tell me if I said something that hurt you."

I want to clarify that to her, I haven't had someone in my life, especially a girl, since college, I mean I had meaningless sex but no girl has ever entered my of office Or my bedroom, and it's not about that, it's just that I am willing to try, to give this woman beautiful things she deserves.

I see her visibly relax, some of the tension leaving her shoulders, and her breathing becomes less shallow. I can tell that my words have calmed her down and comforted her. She looks up at me with something unreadable in her eyes, her brown gaze meeting mine with an intensity that makes my heart skip a beat. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice soft and earnest. She bites her lower lip, her eyes searching my face, as if she wants to say something else but hesitates.

"Say it shivani." I say, brushing a strand of loose hair from her face, and my fingers caress her cheek gently.
"It's just that, in the dining hall, when we were eating, you were..." She looked at me carefully, "you were laughing and smiling. I didn't.., I didn't know you had a soft side."

I let out a soft chuckle, my fingers continuing to gently stroke her cheek. I gaze her with a hint of surprise.

"You think I'm always a cold, unyielding person?" I teased her, his lips curving into a smile. She shook her head again.
"Well I'll have to remind you, my to be wife, I'm a human too. And, a handsome one." I grinned, enjoying the sight of her flustered reaction to my playful nature.
On seeing Shivani's flushed cheeks and shy look on her face, I can't help but tease her further. I can't get enough of her adorable expressions. The thought of my future wife blushing like this just for me gives me an intense sense of satisfaction.

As I lean in closer and whisper in her ear, I feel her body tremble slightly, almost as if she is on the verge of melting. I can smell the faint scent of her roses, mixed with her unique scent, and it makes me feel even more drawn to her. I whispered in her ears, "I have a hard side too, would you like to see?"
I lean in a bit closer, my lips lightly brushing against her ear as I continue to whisper.

I can feel the warmth of her skin against my face as I continue to taunt her with my words. Her reaction is so innocent and adorable, it's like it gives me a new kind of excitement."

Rudraksh, wh.. What are you doing?" She stutters, I straighten back up to see her pink cheeks and closely shut eyes.

"I am just teasing you shivani, i won't do anything until you give me permission." I state clearly because that's something I want to strongly convey to her. As much as I am physically attracted to her I want her to be comfortable with me, I won't and don't want to force her to do anything.

"Give me your phone darling." I say extending a hand. She looks confused but doesn't hesitate to give me her phone.
"I am typing in my number," and then I press call so that I recive her number too, "this is my private number, only my family members have it, here save it," I give her phone back to her, "and here's my office landline and phone number, but you contact me on personal number, I will pick up." I say giving my business card to her.

She nods in understanding and gives me a small smile.
"I think I should go." She says. Even though I don't want her to leave, I have a meeting and it's late so it's better she reaches home, "I will walk you out, I would have dropped you off but I have an urgent meeting right now." I explain.
"I understand." She gives me a smile again and I think it's becoming my favorite sight these days.

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S C Jain

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Hello there, hope you're doing good :) I am just here to fulfill my dream of becoming an author, would love some appreciation if you like my work. Thank you so much

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