Chapter 6


Shivani was quiet the whole ride back to Rudraksh's house. She had always lived just with her parents, she didn't had a huge family. Occasionally in childhood she went to her dadi's house where she could be free, a child again, and everytime she had to return from there she remembered crying and begging her dadi to keep her but she couldn't help it too, she was helpless and her dadi repeatedly said that she wish she was bold enough to cut all her ties from her son and take shivani away but she was too dependent on him.

Her dadi died when she was fourteen, since then the rare opportunity of freedom she got was also gone. She was the saddest from her demise, Shivani's father, Ranveer was happy that a burden was off his chest and she couldn't believe it, how could one say Or think such things about their own mother especially when she had raised him all alone and he was what he was because of her dadi. She doesn't like her parents too but she can't imagine being content that they passed away.

Rudraksh lived in a joint family. And now that they were getting married, she wanted to get to know all of his family members, not just because she wanted a cordial relationship with them but also because she craved for that affection that support you have when your family stands behind you to back you up, there's always someone to care for you, to scold you when you do something wrong.

Somewhere deep in heart she also wanted to impress Rudraksh, because even though she said she doesn't want anything but respect and loyalty out of this relation she was a romantic, she wanted to feel that selfless love she read about in her novels, if she got even ten percent of that she would be happy. She knew she was just hurting herself by keeping any expectations because he made it clear to her that she won't get any love from him.

Rudraksh's mother, Anjali, took Shivani's hand and guided her to the entrance of their house. She was happy to get a bahu like shivani, She thought Rudraksh needs someone like her, someone who's not so stuck and understand emotions, is kind, only then can he see the world from a different perspective. Her son had been betrayed in love but she knew they were meant for each other and God forbid if she was wrong about her decision she will let them part aways she's never going to make their lives hell, and she will still treat shivani like her daughter because she always wanted one of her own and now she can do everything she wants with shivani that she obviously couldn't with Rudraksh.

Rudraksh's chachi, Naina rang the bell and they waited for the gate to open. The door was opened by Rudraksh's dada, Veer Malhotra, he had no expressions on his face, he reminded shivani so much of Rudraksh, they did look like they were blood related, there was this cold aura surrounding him, until she saw a thali in his hand.

He asked shivani to step forward, Shivani looked towards Anjali who smiled encouraging her, Veer did a tilak to his new and the very first grand daughter in law, she bent down to take ashirwaad from Veer but he stop him and said, "You're the laxmi of our house, beta. Your place is definitely not in my feet." And then he smiled. Shivani was shocked, who wouldn't be, she never thought once in her life that her in laws would be so respectful.

She always thought she will live a life filled with misery, no happiness, no dreams but now there was hope, and she held on that hope desperately. Veer held out his hand and Shivani took it, "right leg beta" And with that Shivani finally took a step into her new home.

As she entered the house, She saw a man walking towards them, he had great build and he was tall but he wasn't Rudraksh, she could tell that. He was a handsome, he must be elder than her but not that much, he bent down on a knee and presented a yellow rose to her, she looked with wide eyes towards Aditi, who then walked towards the man and hit him on the head playfully, "you're scaring her Aarav bhai."

Aarav glared at her and then gave a sad look to Shivani, "Am I bhabhi? I just came with offering of friendship." Shivani smiled lightly, this whole family is so weird, they look so uptight and scary from outside but they are all such softies.
She accepted the rose from him, "now that you've accepted my friendship, I look forward to annoy bhai together with your help, it's so fun, you will enjoy it." He says and laughs out loud.

Shivani's eyes widened, she didn't know the hidden meaning behind the rose was to irritate Rudraksh, she definitely didn't want to do that, before her train of thoughts ran more, Naina came and pinched both her children, "don't involve her in your plans."

"Oww, maa," They both said simultaneously, "of course bhabhi won't do anything to irritate her patidev right" Aditi said giving a cheeky smile to Shivani who was now red because of the teasing.

She already liked the lively atmosphere of this house, of the people here, even if she had a loveless marriage, she still got a family, so it was a win for her in that way at least.

"You haven't said a word since you arrived Shivani, is there a problem?" Veer asked his grand daughter in law.
"I..uh..I just, it's just very different from what I am used to." She says carefully choosing her words not wanting to give away her condition in her own house.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but we're glad to have you here, Shivani. You're part of the family now." He said patting Shivani's head and smiling down at her. His rough hands showed his experience and when shivani looked at him, she felt she had that guidance that her grandma used to give to her. She was grateful being a part of this family, destiny finally was on her side.

"Come on you guys must be hungry, let's have dinner." Anjali says. Shivani looked around to find Rudraksh, Aditi saw that and she would not leave any opportunity to tease her bhabhi, "looking for someone, bhabhi?" She wiggled her eyebrows,

Shivani's face turned pink as she quickly looked away, trying to hide her smile. "No, I was just...um...looking for the bathroom," she stammered, trying to come up with an excuse.

Aditi chuckled and whispered to her brother, "I think you should call bhai."
Aarav rolled his eyes good-naturedly and whispered back, "Aditi, stop teasing bhabhi.  She's just gotten here."

Anjali, oblivious to the teasing, gestured towards the dining table. "Come on, kids! Let's eat! I've made your favorite dishes, Shivani."

Naina added, "we asked your mother about it, I hope you like it beta."
Shivani's mother obviously didn't know what her favorite food was but that doesn't matter, what matters is how much effort this family is putting to make her feel welcome.

Rudraksh was standing on the staircase observing his family and his fiance getting along so well, Rudraksh leaned against the banister, his eyes narrowing as he watched Shivani smile and chat with his family. He was surprised by how easily she had fit in, how effortlessly she had won them over. His family, who had always been his weakness, his Achilles' heel. He remembered how she had broken at the hotel and he remembered what she said, everything clearly, and looking at her smile and talk with his family, he was happy.

He came down to the dining table where everyone was seated and took a seat beside his grandfather, he looked at shivani, Shivani's eyes met Rudraksh's across the table, and she felt a flutter in her chest. She quickly looked away, trying to compose herself.

Everyone had stopped talking and were shocked because Rudraksh rarely ate with them, he was always busy and no matter how much his mother forced him this was one thing he never listened, according to him food can wait, work can't.

"What?" Rudraksh noticed the silence and when he saw everyone's face, he rolled his eyes and said, "I was hungry and the meeting got delayed."

"Okay bhai if you say so." Aarav smirked.
Shivani was confused with what was happening, Aditi who was sitting beside her, whispered in her ears, "bhai never eats with us expect if it's an occasion, I think he came to see you today." She bumped her shoulder and shivani only grew more pink.

As they sat down to eat, Shivani tried to focus on the conversation and the delicious food, but she couldn't help sneaking glances at Rudraksh. She noticed the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, and the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck.

This isn't the Rudraksh everyone talked about, he doesn't seem rude or ruthless here, he's laughing and smiling with everyone, she never thought he had this side. Rudraksh caught her gaze and raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. Shivani felt her heart skip a beat as he looked away, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

She had understood by now that his family was his home, they were important to him and she just wished that he would be like this with her too.
As they ate, Shivani found herself feeling more and more at ease, enjoying the warmth and laughter of the Malhotra family.

As the meal ended, Rudraksh pushed his chair back and stood up, his eyes locking onto Shivani's. He walked towards her as she got up and leaned down whispering in her ears, "After you're done with everything," he said, his voice low and husky, "come to see me." Shivani just nodded unable to keep an eye contact with him, she felt a flutter in her chest, She couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this enigmatic man had in store for her.

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S C Jain

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