Chapter 1


"I don't think you understand Daksh, you don't have a choice here, whether you like it or not you have to follow the plan my company gave you or I can very conveniently buy your company and do whatever the fuck I want, I hope you understand for your sake." I say and cut the call. I don't like it when people try to use their useless, stupid brains.

I look at my phone, six missed calls from my mother and one from my father. Shit, I think I am screwed, my father definitely understands but my mother's going to lecture me for hours for not picking up her calls and then come to the point. Oh god.

I call my mother, great she's not picking up now, I dial my father's number, "you're gone son, all the best to you. I am passing the phone to her."

I love my parents a lot, my mother can be scary sometimes but she's the best mother I could have got and I am very thankful for her and my entire family.

"Mr Rudraksh Malhotra, I needed an appointment to talk to you." My mother says, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"Mom, I was on another call otherwise you know I pick up your calls immediately, I don't want to die young." I say, a small smile playing on my face.

"Shut up. I am your mother and I am more important than your work calls, do you get it." She says strictly.

"Yes ma'am." I reply, I think I get my anger from her because my father is pretty calm.

But I won't say I just have anger issue, I have issues from people in general, I do not like nor can I tolerate other humans.

"I talked to you about Mr. Singh's daughter? Do you remember?"

Of course she had call me for rishtas, she has been eating my head to marry and settle down, I don't understand why do I have to do that, I have a family and I don't particularly trust or like women, she knows that, why should I destroy someone's life? It's not like I believe in love and girls want that shit, I definitely can't give anything to her.

"Maa, please-" But before I could finish my sentence my dear mother interrupts me,

"You can't and won't find a girl for yourself, I know you that much so I have taken the liberty to find one for you, she's beautiful and a good girl, I have met her before in a charity she's very kind and soft spoken and I am sure you will like her too, I am your mother, I am going to meet her family today, they are okay with this relationship, and you will gain in your business too, Singh empire is a huge name you know that, I am telling you, you're getting married that's all, if you want to meet her I can arrange that. I have sent a photo of her you can see for yourself."

Wow, she isn't asking me, it's already final, what's the use of calling me then.

"What's her name?" I ask, If I am going to marry her, I will run a background check because I can't fall for a trap again, I never make one mistake twice.

"Shivani, trust me Rudraksh, you will like her." We'll see that maa.

"Do you want to meet her?" She asks.

"Okay, set an appointment with her day after tomorrow." I say.

"Rudraksh, it's not a business deal that I will set an appointment, you're hopeless like your father." She says and I can feel her shaking her head in disappointment.

"Hey, I am hopeless but I am hopeless romantic for you Anjali." I hear my father say in the background, my mother shrieked, and that was my cue to cut the call because I don't want to hear whatever is happening. I crave for what they have but I don't know if I will ever have that because I don't think I can ever trust someone again.

When I open the picture my mother sent me, I'm surprised by how beautiful she is. Shivani has dark brown eyes. Her black hair falls down her small frame like a waterfall, and her curvy figure looks great in the white kurti she's wearing. The kurti has intricate designs that highlight her delicate features, and her smile lights up the whole photo but there's an emptiness in her eyes or maybe I am just over seeing things. I am an analytical man. Whatsoever, She looks like a goddess!

But my momentary admiration is quickly replaced by my usual skepticism. I can't let my guard down, not even for a beautiful face. I've been hurt before, and I won't let it happen again.

I call my tech team and give them her details explaining them that I need every and all information on her that they can gather.

'Let's see, if you really are as sweet and kind as my mother says Shivani.'

Author's note: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it. If you did please give a like to my story, it would only motivate me. I will be regular with updates now.

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S C Jain

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Hello there, hope you're doing good :) I am just here to fulfill my dream of becoming an author, would love some appreciation if you like my work. Thank you so much

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