p r o l o g u e

Hello readers!

Finally uploaded the first part, please be kind and I would love to hear all your thoughts ✨

Happy reading :)


"Shivani, beta, your father needs you to marry him, you know what our situation is." My mother says. I look into her eyes, I can't believe this is the woman who gave birth to me. A mother is supposed to be the one who protects their children, fights from the world for them and here my mother is ready to give me away to a man who is known to be the most ruthless and arrogant person so that she and my father can save their dying company.

"There's no point in talking to her Meera, she has become shameless, she has forgotten what not we have done for her." My father says looking at me, sometimes I feel he regrets I was born, I think I do too. I think these people never deserved a child. I am glad I have no other sibling because I don't think it's okay to go through all this manipulation and emotional blackmail they do with me.

"If you can't marry him, you better return every single penny I spent on you. And get out of my fucking house." He said giving me one last look, he left the room. "Now see, you have upset your father. Why can't you just for once be a good daughter and not rebel." My mother shakes her head in disappointment and leaves after my father.

All my life, I have tried to be a good and perfect daughter for them, always obeying them, never once do I remember I did something that I wanted to, I used to like writing, it was my peace, they took that away from me it was too shameful for them that I, the daughter of Mr Ranveer Singh Rathore, the CEO of Singh Empire, become just a writer. I like reading books, specifically romance but when my mother found out about it, she slapped me and started controlling the kind of books I read, I wear what they want me to, I eat what they want me to.

And now I will marry someone they want me to, I can rebel obviously but I know the outcome of it, and I hate that, I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I'm giving up. I'm surrendering to their will. But there's nothing else I can do, I remember when I was a teenager and I was tired of this house and them and I ran away with a help of a friend. My father found me in matter of hours and then, a shiver ran down my spine thinking about how he beat me up with his belt and then my mother took her turn, I was so injured, I couldn't move for a week, and they were remorseless, all they did was give me an ointment to apply, didn't even take me for a check up, of course they couldn't because they would have to answer questions and who was I to lie, I would escape this house the very chance I get.

Right shivani, you would escape this house as soon as possible, they are giving you the opportunity. I am okay with a loveless marriage because who would love me anyways when my own parents couldn't, when I can't love myself, I chuckle humorlessly.

I walk out of my room, feeling defeated. My parents are sitting in the living room, waiting for me. They look up as I enter, and I can see the victory in their eyes.

"Shivani, beta, we knew you'd come around," my mother says, her voice dripping with sweetness. "You'll marry him, and everything will be okay."

I nod, feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"Yes, mother," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll marry him."

My parents exchange a look, and I can see the satisfaction in their eyes. They've won. They've broken me.

But as I look at them, I know that this isn't the end. This is just the beginning. I have found a way to escape, to break free from their control at least. I hope I'll find a way to be me again. Or maybe find a new version of myself.

At this moment, My only fear is that what if he is like them or worse then them. What if I am escaping one hell to enter another one.

Author's note:

Hi guys,

Hope you're all doing well. Thank you for reading it!

I will usually update on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday's mostly!

Don't forget to support please! It only motivates me :)

Love, bye.

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S C Jain

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Hello there, hope you're doing good :) I am just here to fulfill my dream of becoming an author, would love some appreciation if you like my work. Thank you so much

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